Tuesday, August 14, 2007

"The journey begins here....."

That is what Jack Kulchitsky, the Calgary EMBA Academic Director was supposed to say in his inaugural address to the EMBA class of 2009. He didn't. That's not his style. I'm not sure what his style is - but academic is not the adjective. More marketing and entrepreneur.

Some quotes:
* Just like when you were 6 years old, this is your first day of school. Except your mother isn't just oustide that door.
* Some former students say it was like "Running a marathon in bare feet". 99% say that it changed them
* You have asked us to stretch you. I promise that we will stretch you.
* The journey is going to affect you professionally and personally.
* This years class has 37 students: 76% male, 24% female
* The average age is 37.
* The average work experience is 14 years.
* 78% have previous degrees.
* Average GMAT score is 576.
* There will be 20 courses: 1st year contains core or foundation courses, 2nd year is about leadership, strategy and globalization
* Two promises: 1) commitment to your success 2) your hat will be funnier than mine at graduation

It was good. He's also around for meals and drinks. He is candid about what happens in the classroom and is adamant that any academic problems will be solved. He gushes about the instructors and how much they care. From the two that I've met, that certainly is true.

Baby steps.

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