Saturday, February 2, 2008

Quiet - very busy.....but 1 semester down - 3 to go.

I'm not sure how many people are actually monitoring this blog, but it has been very quiet recently, for which I apologize.

I survived the first semester. Overall, I am happy with the outcomes, however I know that I need to work on my ability to manage my time. One of my favourite adages is "start as you mean to go on". I hope that understanding the workload up front and apportioning my time appropriately will help me feel less "overwhelmed" at the end.

Having said all that - I have decided to change employers. Not only employers, but change careers as well. This will throw my life into a bit of chaos as I will have a steep learning curve at work as well as at University.

I'll muse more on the Winter 2008 semester shortly.

1 comment:

Whiz said...

I’m reading your blog and I really appreciate your comments! I am in the same situation you were in when you started your blog – studying for the GMAT. I also am applying for the Haskayne EMBA and if all goes well I’ll start this August. Please keep writing about your experience – are you still happy with your decision to take this program?